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 Welcome! We have 14 colorful Palisades Appaloosa mares due to foal in 2024  This year the foals are due in early February, March, April, May and a couple due in the fall.   They are sired by our two Stallions that you can find on our Stallion pages.  I will be working in the barn round the clock to attend each birth and to give each foal the proper time and attention that brings out the best in them. Spring and summer will be spent teaching them to be gentle and well mannered for their new owners. 

  Below I will post each mare as her time grows near and detail her development and delivery. The foals will be posted within a day or two of their birth. They can be reserved until weaning time with a 33% non refundable deposit. Click here to see our full Policy on foal sales.  

 I hope you enjoy the foaling season as much as I do. 
I love sharing this experience with my visitors, especially those not lucky enough to have horses of their own. Last year was a difficult one with many losses.  I am hopeful for a better foaling season in 2024.

Each of the mares' photos are linked to their personal page for photos and pedigrees and past foals.. just click!

We also have a facebook page, Palisades Appaloosas
Ds Drift Charge X Mighty Bright Reward
 Due January 29

February 11, 5:30 am  Cookie delivered a big bay filly with a blanket !  She was two weeks past her due date and strong and healthy.  Videos on our facebook page .. these photos are a day old. 

Jasmine will be offered for sale at $3200 
Jasmine is RESERVED
Cookie's labor was a long one. On Friday night she spent most of the night pressing her hind quarters against walls, pacing and slashing her tail vertically. Her udder had enlarged to full.. so i was paying close attention all night long. Saturday night was quiet.. she slept and I slept watching her on camera. But Sunday night.. i arrived at 10 pm to find her circling the stall over and over rapidly. This went on until 3 am.. with me telling Siri to count down 30 minutes and wake me over and over to check the monitor. I was ready to leap in, but nothing happened. At 4 am she decided to take a break and nap. What? i thought we were having this baby two weeks late! Finally at 5 am she started to have some contractions.. pausing , raising tail.. glancing back at her side. At 5:20 she lay down and in 5 or 6 pushes the entire tall baby girl was delivered. At first she looked solid brown and wet.. but as she dried i see quite a big blanket that creeps up her spine. I will call her bay, but she could be bay dun.  

Earthlight Cowgirl (Mauzi) X Remaarkable Panda (Max)
Due March 12

Mauzi has earned her keep well with many colorful stocky built foals over the years. You can see them on her personal page in the mare index. This is her second max foal..    

March 10th..  Mauzi and i managed to deliver this tall chestnut filly together at about 3:30 am.  I am thrilled to have a healthy strong baby.   Kitty appears "solid" in color, but a hair sample tested that she carries both the appaloosa color gene AND leopard pattern.  LP/n and PATN1/h.   It's very unusual to have the genetics of a leopard and not show it . There is some roaning around her eyes.. that maybe the beginning of future color.  Kitty is Reserved
Milliondollarbaby X Samson
         Due March 26

 March 28 11:45 am....Babe delivered her bay leopard filly by herself with me waking about l0 minutes late to help her get on her feet, nursing and doing well.,
She will be priced at $3600
more pictures when i get a moment.. i had four foals arrive in four days!

Garnet it RESERVED!
Roselyns Smores X  
   Remaarkable Panda (max)         
 Due March 30th
​Smores followed closely behind Babe in delivering her black leopard colt at 2:15 am march 29th. 
I had just gotten Babe's filly nursing  and was ready for a nap.. 
I noticed Smores looked mildly uncomfortable.. shifting her hips.  I took a quick look at her udder and saw one tiny drop of wax.. so i moved her to a stall with a camera.
In FIVE MINUTES she was on the ground delivering her colt.  I helped a little.. his legs go on forever.  He will be tall. 
Her colt is priced at  $4,000
Smokin Bandit is RESERVED
WF Stella Dallas (CLeo) X Max
           Due March 27

Cleo looked oh so ready to foal from friday night (the 29th) on and kept me totally on call thru Easter until 10:20 pm the 31st.   I was watching as the second stage of labor began, and she needed quite a bit of help with her big snowcap colt.  She is the MOST maternal mare of all, and was reaching her head around to talk to her baby when only one foot was showing!
This colt is priced at $3500 and IS 
homozygous for LP  AND for BLACK (EE) and caries a gene for leopard pattern (PATN1)  He is Aa and nd1/nd1 as well.
This means all his children will inherit the LP color gene and a black gene.
Noah is available!

Strictly Ballroom (Tango) X Mighty Bright Reward
                  Due March 31st

Tango had been getting ready for over a month slowly developing and udder and getting that pointy hammock look to her belly. She is 20.. and a seasoned broodmare. 

I thought Cleo was going to foal first.. as she was dripping wax for two days.. but Tango jumped in and delivered her foal  with only minimal help from me in the wee hours of Easter (april 31st her due date).   What a surprise he was..  a dun colt with bold dorsal stripe and shoulder bars, and a hint of leg barring.   Beautiful headed like his parents and will carry the appaloosa color gene (LP) because his father is homozygous for color.  That may show up in the future causing roaning or spotting of some kind..  there's never any sure answer to when an appy  might show his color.   This colt will be priced at $3000 
Scout is Reserved!
Never Dun Dancing received regular APHC registration with his characteristics.
Skips Jazzy Blue X 
Mighty Bright Reward

      Due to foal, April 24th

Jazzy is approaching retirement and has done a super job for us. She's produced just about every pattern and color you can imagine from black leopard to red snowcap to bay with sprinkles of white.. and even a red leopard.  She had a stunning dun with spotted blanket as well.  

April 22nd...
Fashion Dreamer X Remaarkable Panda
               Due to foal May 8

Fashion is a bold bay dun solid appaloosa mare.  She was shown in halter as a young mare and had many babies after coming to me around age 11.  I gave her this last year off and took a risk breeding to Max.. since a solid mare and colored stallion have only a 50% Chance of a colored foal.  BUT her full stocky body and his lean elegance could make a really nice baby.. a dun ,a solid, a colored dun?  We shall see.
KK the Dream Begins (peaches) x
         WK Remaarkable Panda (max)
               Due May 8th
Peaches is my FIRST appaloosa mare, purchased at a year old 24 years ago. 
She is a fewspot with two genes for color, homozygous for black and she carries PATN1, leopard pattern.  Thus, all her foals have been colorful no matter who sired them.  On April 30th, I told Siri to wake me at 2 am, where I lay watching Peaches on my foal camera.  At 2:l5 she began her labor and she and I brought this beautiful colt in the hay at 2:40 am.  
Rolex is offered for sale at $3800
iI arrived at the barn just shy of midnight to begin the april round of foal watching. Jazzy looked close to foaling to me, and i tested her udder and she had white milk. A good sign foaling is near. I took a quick look at the other 5 mares due soon.. and peaches has some drips of fluid on her udder.. Dang.. i had to move several horses and foals to get Peaches in a foaling stall with a camera.
Finally i settled into my cot in the tack room and told Siri to set an alarm for 2:30. Jazzy wasn't showing signs of labor , so i thought it safe to sleep two hours. At about 2:25 I woke and started looking at her on camera. She was lying down, but not clearly laboring. I studied her for awhile until i thought i had best get up and go take a look. Just then the alarm went off… and just then the baby began to appear behind her. 2:30.
  Peaches never did do anything after all that shifting of horses, and i spent until 5 am getting jazzy's leopard colt thinking about nursing rather than just running around the stall. I decided to take a nap and let him work on it. I returned to the tack room , door open, to see a big BIG raccoon standing up facing me in the doorway! right at the foot of my cot. I said to him YOU NEED TO LEAVE.. and he did, and i took a nap.

Priced at $3,500    This fellow is already RESERVED!
Roselyns Smores
april 28...I've been sleeping in the barn for a week now, watching my mares on camera. Jazzy did a great job last Monday, but Peaches seemed to be on hold and Fashion too. They are early.. but have been bagging up (enlarging the udder) for 6 weeks or more. 
I have just a few large 16 X 24 foaling stalls and all were in use.. so Fashion was in a 12 X 16 stall. Last night i put a baby monitor/video type on her stall front and had that next to me in the tack room as well as peaches on a big screen. At first I could see fashion well, shifting weight , stamping a foot.. but soon she came forward and pressed and rubbed her hind end against the front wall for so long.. over 20 minutes when i fell asleep… that the camera fell over! I checked on her at 3 am and set it back up.. nothing happening. At 7 am i got up, headed for the house for coffee… but stopped to check all 5 mares still due to foal by early may. Nothing going on. I took that camera off fashions stall. She was standing still.
Over the years, mares have foaled while i went for coffee, but i was never sure if it was planned. I am very methodical about my schedule, so it would not be hard to predict that the old lady was leaving the barn. This time though, i forgot my iPad..went back into the barn after leaving.. decided to toss the mares some orchard grass… and as i am doing so.. i hear fashion grunting . There she is on the floor not 4 minutes since i last looked at her.. with two white feed protruding from her special parts!!!
AH HA! You tried to sneak that in, and you are busted!!! And I was very glad because in a smaller stall, birth can be dicey. Foal born into a corner or too close to the wall, e tc. I covered the floor in fresh hay and waited to help a little. It did not take long, I think that baby was born by 7:20 am. She pushed three contractions on one side, got up and lay down on the other, as they do.. to reposition the foal.. and pushed him on out with just a bit of help from me. 
This red dun colt with a blanket was a gift. Fashion X Max had only a 50% chance of color and a 50% chance of dun. The dice rolled well in my favor!
Offered for sale at $3600
Cowboy is RESERVED!

Peru!   Lucky Lady Friday
 Peru X Mighty Bright Reward

          Due to foal, May 6

Peru has delivered very close to her due dates in her past two foals.  This one is looking like she will do the same!   Peru is my personal home grown riding mare, so Im a little more anxious that all goes well.

This is a fewspot X fewspot breeding , so the foal will be LP/LP  for sure,  could be black, bay or red based.. and carry PATN1 or be a snowcap.
May 8   Two nights ago, i watched Peru thru the night.. and she did display some labor like behavior, circling the stall frequently, but then about 3 am , quit and quieted down for the night. So wednesday about 11 am, i turned her out in a separate field with Summer, the mare who lost her foal recently. I did not go back later to check on her, which i regret! Sometime mid afternoon she gave birth to this fewspot colt with Summer in attendance. It was 6:30 pm when I set eyes on them acres away and he was snow white. 
I had arrived at the barn as usual to begin putting bedding , water and grain in the l8 stalls. It was spitting a bit of rain, and there was a distant rumble of thunder. I would normally get every mare with foal into a stall before bringing in Peru and Summer, but i decided to check on them first. Thus began an hour of drama trying to get them safely into the barn before the storm hit. 
I left the back door of the barn open and thought i might be able to grab Peru, walk the 3 or 4 acres to the barn and sneak her in before all the others. So i went out and haltered her, which she evaded.. and began my hike. Summer was bringing up the rear, and baby was having some trouble knowing which mare was his mother. He would drift back to Summer, Peru would yank me into a u turn to retrieve him, and we would continue on course. As we approached i realizes ALL THE HORSES had run into the barn because the door was open and it was dinner time. They were all overflowing and milling about .. no stalls were open.. they were confused. No way could I safely walk thru 21 horses with a newborn. Peru kept trying to run me and the baby back to the fields and away from this dangerous group! 
So around the barn we went with baby striking out randomly in various directions.. and Peru dragging me after him. Lightening was striking close by and thunder booming, and finally I landed them in my round pen. At this point i had to run into the barn and start pushing horses into unprepared stalls which not being their routine was not easy at all. Finally i got everyone stashed, and went back for Peru, who again evaded me.. because newly foaled mares are just a hormonal mess and not themselves at all! Baby fell in the mud trying to get him to come into the barn, and ran up and down the aisle crashing into empty muck buckets.. but FINALLY i got them into a safe, dry, clean stall. Because i had no idea how long since his birth, nor if he nursed when out in the field, i had to administer many many syringes of oral colostrum over the next hour, while tending to the rest of the herd. IT was 10:30 when every one was finally cared for. Hey, just four hours. Back at the house for an hour.. i treated myself to some Haagen Dazs. I needed a boost. Then back to the barn to foal watch on SAGE!!!
The colt is having his color genetics done at the lab..  Secret Storm Cat is Ee Aa (that means bay based)
LP/LP  PATN1/PATN1   he does not carry splash white  
Storm cat is priced at $4,500  he will give both the color gene and leopard pattern gene to all his offspring
and is a good cross for solid mares both non appaloosa and appaloosa.

Storm Cat is RESERVED!
Hadar Dream , Sage,  X  WK Remaarkable Panda
          Due April 23,   foaled May 10

As always, Sage kept me waiting and watching her a long long time!   This year she presented us with a sleek, black bay stallion prospect.  Remaarkably Ready has some special color genetics
that make him the perfect cross on LP/LP mares.. fewspots and snowcaps. Ready is EE Aa lp/lp and PATN1/PATN1.   This means he will give a black gene and a leopard pattern gene to all his offspring.  With LP mares, this is the genetic prescription for black and bay leopards!

  Ready is outgoing, energetic, and prefers to hop skip and jump rather than walk. Ready comes from  "ready set GO!"  He should be a tall colt as well,  already long legged like his sire, max , who is l5.3 hands. 
      Remaarkably Ready is priced at $3,500
                     Ready is Reserved!

  videos on our Facebook page, Palisades Appaloosas

The change to roan and who knows what else has begun!
      Waps Night Sky "Ruby"  X
          Mighty Bright Reward
           Due September 7th

   Ruby is pictured with her half sister at three..  and below with her third leopard foal born August l5th! 

Ruby was not due until september 7th. I only bred her one time in hand so there was no mistake. Yet she was bagging up full l0 days ago. I was worried, yet she looked great and progressed in a normal fashion.. just way early. Yesterday i spent all day preparing to be gone to the KY state fair today. I filled 9 water troughs, unloading shavings, wrote instructions.. checked on Ruby often.
  Last night i visited her at 1130 pm and saw a looseness about her hind quarters, white milk if i expressed that udder, and two areas of sweat on her hips. None of the other mares were sweating. So in my robe with bare legs and barn boots, i lay down on a cot to watch her on camera. No pillow , no blanket, no phone. I used my robe for a blanket. I had not planned on staying the night . But before long the slow dance of labor began, circling the stall, pawing the dirt floor, glancing at her sides.. pressing her hind end into the wooden wall to ease the pressure. This continued for a couple of hours and finally at 3:45 she lay down and I saw the appearance of the white amniotic sack beneath her tail. Time to get up and get ready for the foal.  
  The filly was born around 4 am, and Ruby never seemed in extreme discomfort. When i reached to help her, it was as if she said .. great .. lets do it and she pushed that filly out in one long contraction with me guiding her along her way. I have never delivered a foal in my bathrobe, so that's a first. ps i didn't get to go to the fair but oh well.

This red leopard filly is offered for sale at $3600  
  Miss Andie is reserved!

Rosie (miss Wallaby Doc)  is bred a second time to Samson (Mighty Bright Reward)
Due October 25

She was rebred last November when she unexpectedly came back into heat after her spring breeding,   So..we have a fall foal due, a baby to keep Ruby's company!

Rosie is pictured there five months in foal.. so you can imagine how full bodied she is at 9 months in foal rightnow!  Its hard to believe she will wait until late October to deliver.  We shall see!
UPDATE!  Rosie delivered a blue eyed bay leopard filly October 4TH!!!
 priced at $3600
photos at one week old    Nutmeg is RESERVED