Palisades Appaloosas
Lancaster, Kentucky
Welcome to the 2010 foaling barn! The mares are getting ready to present you with our Appaloosa foal crop. There are 14 colorful mares to deliver over 7 months time. They are in foal to three different stallions. I enjoy having the foals' births spread out so that I can give each one the proper time and attention to teach them to be gentle and well mannered for their new owners. I will post each mare as her time grows near and detail how she is developing. The foals will be posted within a day or two of their birth. They can be reserved for weaning time with a 25% deposit. Click here to see our Policy on foal sales. I hope you enjoy the foaling season as much as i do!
Click on the mare's picture to see her personal page.

Skipelletta X Dreamin Dun
January 22nd, 12:08 am
Skipelletta foaled with plenty of warning after waxing
during the day and showing labor for two hours. I was near by watching when she delivered a tall filly, dressed in
sorrel and white. She has a dished head, blaze, white roan blanket, and four stockings. The filly was up by l am, and nursing by 2 am.. all is well.
Jessica's Miss Kitty X Dreamin Dun
Due february 10th
Kitty is a seasoned mare of 19 this year. This
will be her fifth foal.
February l3th 4:10 pm
Kitty foaled in the afternoon! She is a chestnut near leopard filly. I was with her and assisted with a little pulling during her pushing. Her filly is pictured below in February and in May. She's not she out yet! Kitty had the same solid and patterned areas on her as a baby. She roaned and spotted into a full leopard.
offered for sale at $2200
Pepper has gone home to Tracy in PA!

Georgia is a quiet and curious filly that is naturally comfortable with humans. She has an easy going disposition and seeks attention like many of Dreamin Dun's other fillies have had. She was bred for halter or pleasure riding, and i would choose this filly for a quiet riding prospect or first time foal owner. Her pedigree is outstanding . She goes back to Mighty Tim, Dreamfinder, Skips Reward, Skipper W, Two Eyed Jack, Super Weed. Georgia is very likely a snowcap filly, meaning she would be homozygous for the appaloosa color gene and will produced color and or characteristics on all her foals.
Georgia is has gone home to Carolyn in Kentucky! !
Skippin and Dreamin, "Georgia"
January 22,2010 12:08 am
Too Sexy for Second, "RUBY"
Bay Filly w/characteristics foaled February 27th.
Ruby is a show mare thru and thru. This foal with Junior was envisioned as a halter propsect with both parents having successful halter show records. The foal's pedigree returns to Dreamfinder twice, and the Executive three times.
February 27th, AM
Ruby surprised me with a dark bay filly, up, dry and running about at the morning feed. Ruby's udder had not been fully enlarged , nor had it changed in a week. So she had me fooled! The delivery appears to have gone well. Ruby was clean and in good shape as if she simply lay down an had the filly quickly. The stall was not in disarray.

Strictly Ballroom, "Tango"
Bred to Nuggets Super Shado, due March lst
Tango is our Arab-Appaloosa, a cross between an arabian mare and a fewspot appaloosa stallion. She is six and a maiden. This is her first foal.
March 5th! 4:30 AM
Tango foaled in the early morning, and she has given us a fourth FILLY! this gal is a blue roan, black points, white snowcap blanket, stockings and a blaze! She's up and nursing at 5:30 am.
pictured at l2 hours old.
This filly will be offered for sale at $2,000
NUGGET has gone home to Rick and Kathy of IN!
Prada is dark bay with mottled skin under her tail, and just a few white hairs and specs on her rump. This is what we call a minimally colored or characteristic Appaloosa. She does carry the Appaloosa color gene. She will likely continue to roan and spot over the years. Jewel has her mother's elegant body and hip and refined legs. She has a beautiful little head as well.
Prada is at home with Juan and Amanda, and Silk!
April Foals Have Arrived!
Rewardachic, "Crystal"
X Dreamin Dun
April l0th..FINALLY!! Crytal foaled a muscular handsome stud colt! (after 8 fillies on and off the farm so far..).
She went from waxing to dripping milk Saturday, and foaled at 9:30 pm without much of a show of labor.
He's a biggun, already sculpted like his daddy. Chestnut with a snow white blanket. He's up and running, nursing
and doing well!
Regal Dreamin should be a strong Show prospect with Cystal's production record and Junior's success in Halter class. Check out her page by clicking her picture to see some of her previous foals. Regal's Pedigree is outstanding.
Regal is weaned and getting ready to move to OH with Candace!
Palisades Mariah
Simple Elegance, "Buzzy"
X Nuggets Super Shado
Simple Elegance foaled a tall, BAY fewspot filly
on April 5th, 9 pm. (her first filly) The filly was on her feet by l0 and attempting to nurse. She is tall for her mother (41 inches) and had trouble bending down to reach Buzzy's full udder. She spent much of the night bounding around the stall. Buzzy let me handle and imprint her without protest, as a good experienced mother will often do.

Mariah has a 90% Foundation Designation. Her pedigree returns to Mansfield Comanche at least three times, Prince Plaudit twice, Mighty Bright twice, as well as the fine names of Hadar Shado and Nugget Jim. Mariah's pretty head and intelligence to go with it would be an asset to any breeding program.
With her fewspot coat pattern and two loud patterned parents, Moriah promises to be a 100% color producer.
Mariah tested EeAa. She is a curious but a little shy
filly. Very respectful and sweet, yet a confident boss among the foals.
Mariah is at home with Chara and Luther in KY!

Bay Leopard Filly, "Fern"
KK the Dream Begins , "Peaches"
X Nuggets Super Shado
Peach delivered a bay leopard filly at 1 am, April 19th. All is well, the filly was trying to stand up immediately and nursing within a couple of hours. I helped a little with the delivery just to make it easier for Peach.
Fern is doing well at ten days old.
I have crossed Peach and Zeke five times with great results each time. They produce foals with great color, exceptional disposition, and a balanced pretty conformation. She will have the foundation pedigree designation returning to APHC hall of fame greats, Nugget Jim, Hadar Shado, Dreamfinder, Prince Plaudit,
and Mighty Bright. Both parents are HYPP N/N,
Fern is at home with Teresa in NC
Quinsierra Smokn Blu, "Iris" AQHA
X Nuggets Super Shado
Due April l6th
April 26th, 9 pm
Hurray! Iris foaled last night ! Despite the fact that she showed very little change in appearance or udder, Iris gave us a handsome Black and White near leopard colt. He is nursing and doing fine this morning.
Pictures below at 8 days old.
This fellow has tested EE aa
Homozygous for the black gene.
The photographs you see are the property of Lisa Estridge . Please do not reproduce them without permission.
(If you are into genetics, her code is EE Aa This is a black bay or seal, She has two black genes and no red.
Both Peaches and Zeke are EE, peach is AA and zeke is aa)
This is "Chester" , who has been named by Victor of Mexico. Victor has been waiting patiently for a black leopard for two seasons. He will be Chester's new owner! for sale at $2500
Reserved for Victor of Mexico
Palisades Appaloosas Foaling barn...

MAY FOALS . Sizzler Jo, Set Your Sights, and Peavy Feather Belle
May 29th
Time for hope and prayers and fingers crossed... this morning Sadie and her black filly seemed well. I left the barn at 8 am after staying all night. When I returned at 9:30 am, Sadie was dead.
She was lying quietly without being covered in bedding . She had not thrashed or rolled. She was damp all over from sweat. The morning and afternoon have been a frenzy to care for all the horses while milking the dead mare and trying to teach her filly to nurse from a bottle. It seemed impossible..she would not have it! It is absolutely necessary that a foal get the first colostrum from the mare, but she did nurse before Sadie's sudden death. Five hours later, the filly finally decided that she could drink from a baby bottle and drained four oz. I milked 20 oz from Sadie to try to help her foal.
It has been confirmed by autopsy that Sadie ruptured a uterine artery and bled to death internally. I read in an article by a veterinarian that this is the most common cause of death in foaling mares over l4. It can happen before, during or even days after the birth.
This is such a sad day, but loss is a reality in farming that you must bear. Please think positive thoughts about this filly and help me pull her thru..Sadie would want that.
She is a beauty like her mama.
By the way.. Jo allowed Sadie's girl to nurse just once before she figured out that she did not belong to her! Feather contributed some colostrum to the next feeding. She will be a resource for milk when she foals.

Hartes Sizzler Jo, l5 year old Red Leopard APHC, APHCC mare
in foal to Palomino stallion, OK Little Richman Foaled May 28th
Jo delivered a Palomino Colt (first palomino ever born here) with a white blanket with spots.
Enchanted Eagle
Annies First Lady X RHR Blue Eagle
Robin is for sale!
photo copyright lisa estridge
Peavy Feather Belle X Nuggets Super shado
MAY 30TH 11:40 PM!
YAHOO! Feather spent about 3 hours Sunday night shifting her hindquarters and licking her lips. I had not seen that as a sign of labor before, but she licked em for hours until she lay down to deliver. It must have taken less energy than pacing!
She foaled a tall blue roan and white near leopard colt, four stockings and blaze, large black spotting. He was up and nursing by 12:40 am. Feather needed no help for anything. She is doing a super job!
Here is Sadie's filly "Silk" on her 12th day. Her coat is as smooth as it is shining. The filly is doing well, drinking easily from a bucket, playing , sleeping and hanging out in and around the barn .
Silk is in her 12th week of life now and she is nicely filled out and strong. She is eating grain , grazing with the herd and starting to let go of her human mom. she is still on two milk feedings per day.
Reserved for Amanda and Juan
Hartes Sizzler Jo X OK Little Richman
Sizzlin Harteman, palomino colt
Rush has gone home to Teresa in NC
These are Blue Eagle's first babies out of Faith and Annie. Both arrived a little early.
Wizzer Faithful Heir X RHR Blue Eagle (his first)
Foaled June 12th, 11:50 pm
Blue or Black roan stud colt with a large white blanket over body, black spots!
I was feeding silk and checked on Faith (two weeks early) and she was laying
down delivering her colt! I have yet to name this boy. He is very friendly, not shy, and while he has his mama's head, he has Daddy's legs. This will be a high percentage FPD colt
Sherriey has chosen the name "Critter" for Feather's colt after a favorite pet from the past. Critter is a Blue or black roan like his mother and can look deep gray or brown in different lights . He is playful and living up to his name! Critter will be a stallion in NY.
This colt has tested EE aa , homozygous for the black gene!
Critter has gone home to Sherriey in NY!
Faithful Amigo, 10 days old
Faiths Colt is offered for sale at $2200 Amigo is Reserved For Heidi in California!
Annie's First Lady X RHR Blue Eagle
June 26th, 11 PM A FILLY is born !!
At about l0 pm, I was giving the sweating, hot and irritable Annie yet another bucket of water. It was 85 degrees even though dark had fallen. She gave me an ugly look, and my husband said that meant "you can get out of here now, I intend to have this baby tonight and not with you here!" . So i went to the house to take care of the dogs and have a bite to eat. I returned at 11 pm and there was the legiest red filly with a bold white blanket on her rump. Her legs were splayed way out as she struggled to get control of them. Those are Blue's legs..hocks taller than her mom's already. This Filly has Blue's pretty head, blaze and some socks as well. She appears to be an athlete with Annie's curves and muscle.
She was nursing by l am.. and all is well.
Enchanted Eagle, "Robin", is offered for sale at $2,000.
Click to see..Annie and her filly at two weeks old.
Lane Bar (senior mare, age 25) X Dreamin Dun
Foaled August 30th
Stardust Dreamer
August 30th 12:15 AM.. Lane Bar had a most amazing non labor. I had been watching all evening and the only sign was her glancing back at her flank every now and then. No restlessness, no pawing, no getting up and down. Then at 12:10 she simply lay down and pushed about 4 times and the colt was born. What a mare! The foal is a bay based fewspot colt He has some color on his forhead and the traditional triangles on his pasterns. He favors his father in head and hip. But unlike Junior, he may carry the leopard pattern of his Dam, and also one black gene
in addition to red. This colt carries the bloodline of Mighty Tim , Sundance, and Prince Plaudit in addition to being a grandson of Dreamfinder. He will be 80% FPD.
He is a sweet mild mannered colt and very people friendly.
Dusty is reserved for Mike in TN for his future stallion!
visit Amigo on You tube.
click on the above link for his video!
Chester in his summer fade at 4 months old